122. Can you describe the functions of web workers in HTML5?




Can you describe the functions of web workers in HTML5?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Understanding of Web Workers : Knowing what web workers are and how they can run scripts in the background without affecting the performance of the main page.

  • 2. Concurrency and Multithreading : Understanding the concepts of concurrency and how web workers bring a form of multithreading to web applications.

  • 3. Performance Optimisation : Knowledge of how to leverage web workers to optimize web applications by performing tasks in parallel.

  • 4. HTML5 and JavaScript API Familiarity : Being familiar with HTML5, the Web Workers API, and how to use it within JavaScript code to spawn background workers.

  • 1. Assessing Technical Knowledge : Determining your understanding of advanced HTML5 features like web workers and your ability to apply them.

  • 2. Problem-solving Skills : Evaluating your ability to use web workers for solving performance issues by preventing heavy scripts from blocking the main thread.

  • 3. Performance Optimization : Understanding if you know how to improve user experience by managing time-consuming processes more efficiently.

  • 4. Real-life Application : Gauging your practical experience with web workers and if you've implemented them in any real-world projects.

  • 1. Web Workers Basics : Mention the basics of web workers, such as their role in executing JavaScript in background threads.

  • 2. Examples of Use-cases : Discuss situations where web workers are particularly beneficial, like handling computationally expensive tasks or I/O operations.

  • 3. Limitations : Explain some limitations of web workers, for instance, their inability to directly manipulate the DOM.

Technical Skills
Software Engineer
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