735. Can you recall a time someone disagreed with you and you were right?




Tell me about a situation where you faced disagreement from a colleague or manager, but your perspective or solution eventually turned out to be the correct one. How did you handle the disagreement and what was the outcome?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Communication : Ability to effectively articulate your thoughts and reasons to others, especially when there is a difference in opinion.

  • 2. Confidence : Displays your self-assurance in your knowledge and decision-making capabilities.

  • 3. Conflict resolution : Shows how you approach and resolve disagreements or conflicts in a professional environment.

  • 4. Judgement : Demonstrates your ability to make sound decisions based on information and reasoning.

  • 1. Assessment of problem-solving : Evaluates your capacity to address and navigate through conflicts or differing opinions effectively.

  • 2. Understanding of interpersonal skills : Gauges how you interact with others when challenged and maintain professional relationships.

  • 3. Evaluation of your persuasion skills : To see if you can convince others of your viewpoints in a respectful and convincing manner.

  • 4. Insight into your resilience : Assesses your ability to withstand criticism and stand by your decisions when necessary.

  • 1. Focus on the process : Concentrate on the steps you took to address the disagreement rather than just the outcome.

  • 2. Emphasize collaboration : Highlight any efforts you made to understand the other person's perspective and to work toward a mutually agreeable solution.

  • 3. Reflect on the learning experience : Discuss what you learned from the situation and how it has influenced your future interactions or decision-making.

Conflict Resolution
IT Graduate Role
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