2480. Describe a project or achievement that energized you and one that did not




Can you tell me about a project or achievement from your past that brought you the most energy and why it was so motivating? Also, please share about a project that was least motivating and how you approached it.

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Self-awareness : Understanding what motivates you and what does not is a key aspect of self-awareness.

  • 2. Energy management : Identifying how different projects impact your energy levels and productivity shows an ability to manage your energy effectively.

  • 3. Resilience : Discussing how you handle less motivating tasks demonstrates your resilience and ability to complete necessary work even when not driven by passion.

  • 4. Reflection : Reflecting on past experiences to derive insights shows your capacity to learn and grow from different situations.

  • 1. Motivational fit : Understanding what excites you helps the interviewer assess if the role and its responsibilities align with your interests.

  • 2. Work ethic : Assessing how you deal with less motivating tasks helps gauge your dedication and commitment to getting the job done.

  • 3. Adaptability : Discussing how you approach a variety of projects shows your flexibility and adaptability in different work situations.

  • 4. Potential alignment : Determining the types of projects that energize you can help the interviewer evaluate if you will find similar energy in the available role.

  • 1. Think about the context : Consider the kind of tasks, environments and team dynamics that made the most and least energizing projects what they were.

  • 2. Highlight learning outcomes : For the least motivating project, focus on what you learned from the experience or how it helped you develop new skills.

  • 3. Connect to the role : Try to relate your energizing experiences to potential responsibilities in the cashier role to show relevance.

Work Ethic
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