248. Determining the jar with heavier marbles using one weight measurement




Imagine you have a digital scale, 9 jars of marbles weighing 1g each, and 1 jar of marbles weighing 1.1 grams. You're allowed only a single weight measurement to figure out which jar has the heavier marbles. How would you approach this problem?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Analytical Thinking : You'll need to methodically plan how to use one measurement to distinguish the different weight.

  • 2. Problem Solving : This scenario tests your ability to solve problems with limited resources.

  • 3. Creativity : Thinking outside the box to arrive at a solution with the constraints given is crucial.

  • 4. Attention to Detail : The task requires careful consideration of the weights and measurement process to ensure accuracy.

  • 1. Evaluating Logical Reasoning : The interviewer is interested in seeing how you reason through a problem logically.

  • 2. Assessing Problem Solving Skills : This question gauges your ability to solve an unconventional problem, a common scenario in software engineering roles.

  • 3. Measuring Creativity : Your creativity in approaching the problem is being tested.

  • 4. Checking for Precision : The question determines if you can carefully craft a solution that requires precision to ensure correct identification.

  • 1. Consider using a systematic approach : Think about how you can use a system to ensure each jar's weight contributes distinctly to the total weight.

  • 2. Think about the properties of weight : Reflect on how weight as a property can be used to differentiate items when measured together.

  • 3. Recall similar problems : Think back to any similar problems you've encountered and how those strategies might apply here.

Problem Solving
Technical Skills
Software Engineer
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