3410. Did you work with these past associates at your previous role that now work at our company?




Could you tell me about any past associates you have worked with that are currently employed at our company and what interactions you had with them in your previous role?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Networking : The question evaluates your ability to maintain professional relationships and how these might be leveraged in the new role.

  • 2. Cultural fit : The interviewer is interested in how your past work dynamics fit into the present company culture.

  • 3. Collaboration : This question probes your past experience working with others and how those relationships were managed.

  • 4. Professional history : The discussion of former colleagues provides a backdrop to your work history and professional behavior.

  • 1. Understanding of network : The interviewer wants to gauge your network within the industry and possible connections inside the company.

  • 2. Evaluating professional relationship management : Understanding your ability to manage and sustain professional relationships over time and through career changes.

  • 3. Assessing potential reference checks : Determining if there are individuals within the company that can vouch for your work ethic and experience.

  • 4. Cultural fit : Determining if you will blend well with the current team, based on your past work relationships.

  • 1. Reference your network : You might want to describe the level of your relationship with these associates, such as whether you worked on projects together or just shared an office.

  • 2. Highlight positive interactions : Focusing on successful collaboration or any positive impact from your interactions can set a constructive tone.

  • 3. Acknowledge the growth : If you didn't work with them directly, you could mention how you are looking forward to the opportunity to collaborate with familiar faces in a new capacity.

Culture Fit
SMB Account Executive
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