2158. Do you love to win or hate to lose?




Consider your past experiences and reflect on whether you feel more driven by the desire to win or the aversion to losing, and explain your reasoning.

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Motivation : Understanding what motivates you can indicate how you approach goals and challenges.

  • 2. Self-awareness : This question assesses your level of self-awareness and your ability to evaluate your own motivations.

  • 3. Goal Orientation : It reveals whether you are more outcome-focused or process-focused in your work approach.

  • 4. Resilience : Your perspective on winning and losing may show how you recover from setbacks and keep going despite challenges.

  • 1. Assessing Drive : The question aims to understand your drive and determination in work situations.

  • 2. Gauging Mindset : It helps to identify whether you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset towards your professional life.

  • 3. Understanding Behavior : Understanding what drives you helps predict your behavior in competitive situations.

  • 4. Evaluating Competitiveness : The interviewer wants to see if your level of competitiveness is a good fit for the company culture and the role of an Account Manager.

  • 1. Think about past experiences : Reflect on your professional past and how you’ve felt in both winning and losing scenarios to provide substance to your answer.

  • 2. Consider your motivation style : Are you more positively motivated by success or negatively motivated by the fear of failure? Connecting this to your work style can provide a well-rounded answer.

  • 3. Link to the role : Relate your preference to the role of an Account Manager, demonstrating how it can be an asset in client management and sales processes.

Work Ethic
Account Manager
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