785. Have you ever had to weigh customer benefit against something else?




Can you tell me about a time when you were faced with a decision where you had to balance the benefit to a customer against another factor? What was the situation, and how did you handle it?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Decision Making : Ability to make informed decisions that weigh different factors, including customer satisfaction and other business needs.

  • 2. Problem Solving : Capability to analyze complex situations and develop a suitable solution that addresses multiple aspects including the customer experience.

  • 3. Critical Thinking : Skill in assessing various outcomes and predicting potential risks or benefits to make the best decision.

  • 4. Prioritization : Competence in identifying what is most important in a situation and acting accordingly, which sometimes may mean not choosing the direct customer benefit.

  • 1. Understanding of Customer Centricity : Assessing your ability to keep customer interests at heart whilst balancing other business aspects.

  • 2. Evaluation of Ethical Judgment : Looking into your ability to make tough decisions that may involve ethical considerations.

  • 3. Insight into Business Acumen : Gauging your understanding of how different decisions may affect the business as a whole.

  • 4. Demonstration of Leadership : Revealing your leadership qualities, including taking accountability for difficult decisions.

  • 1. Showcase your thought process : Discuss the steps and considerations you took in making your decision, highlighting how you evaluated both sides.

  • 2. Detail the outcome and learning : Explain the result of your decision, especially how it impacted the customer and the business, as well as what you learned from it.

  • 3. Mention communication and teamwork : If applicable, talk about how you communicated your decision to your team or involved others in the decision-making process.

Problem Solving
Shift Manager
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