2654. How do you handle questions you cannot answer immediately?




Imagine you are faced with a query from a client, and you don't have the answer readily available. How do you approach this situation?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Problem-solving : Shows your ability to navigate difficult situations where the answer is not immediately known.

  • 2. Communication : Emphasizes the importance of conveying your thought process and setting expectations for follow-up.

  • 3. Professionalism : Indicates how you maintain a professional demeanor when faced with knowledge gaps.

  • 4. Resourcefulness : Demonstrates your capability to find solutions or answers using the tools and resources available to you.

  • 1. Assessing candidate's reactiveness : Evaluates how you respond in real-time to unexpected challenges.

  • 2. Evaluating communication skill : Gauges your ability to effectively communicate what you do know and how you will obtain the answer.

  • 3. Understanding problem-solving approach : Examines the steps you would take to resolve the issue or find the necessary information.

  • 4. Determining resourcefulness : Looks at whether you can leverage tools, colleagues, or other resources to address the question.

  • 1. Showcase analytical thinking : Articulate how you would break down the problem and determine the next steps to find the answer.

  • 2. Commit to follow-up : Express your willingness to do the necessary research or consult with team members to provide a comprehensive response to the client.

  • 3. Mention past experiences : Discuss scenarios from your past where you have effectively dealt with similar situations, demonstrating a proven track record of handling such issues.

Problem Solving
Associate Consultant
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