2160. How have you implemented a REST API in Java?




Could you walk me through a time when you had to implement a REST API in Java? What were the challenges and how did you overcome them?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Technical expertise : Understanding of REST API principles and Java programming to effectively implement the required functionalities.

  • 2. Problem-solving : Ability to identify and resolve issues related to API development and integration.

  • 3. Attention to detail : Being meticulous with code, ensuring that endpoints meet specifications and work as intended.

  • 4. Project management : Organizing tasks, managing time effectively, and coordinating with others if the project requires teamwork.

  • 1. Assess technical knowledge : To determine your understanding of REST APIs and how to implement them using Java.

  • 2. Evaluate problem-solving skills : To see how you deal with challenges that may arise during API implementation.

  • 3. Check attention to quality : To ensure you are thorough in your development process and deliver high-quality, reliable code.

  • 4. Understand workflow management : To gauge how you approach and complete technical tasks, particularly in a collaborative environment.

  • 1. Discuss a specific project : Using a concrete example will help demonstrate your experience and approach in implementing a REST API in Java.

  • 2. Mention tools and libraries used : Talking about any specific frameworks or tools you used will provide more depth to your technical expertise.

  • 3. Describe your thought process : Explain the rationale behind certain decisions and steps you took while implementing the API.

Technical Skills
Problem Solving
Data Engineer
Software Engineer
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