1124. How long will it take for your coffee to cool on Mars?




Imagine you're standing on Mars with a hot cup of coffee. Using your knowledge of product design and material science, explain how you would estimate the time it will take for the coffee to cool down from 125F to 50F.

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Technical Knowledge : Understanding of thermal dynamics and material properties to estimate cooling time.

  • 2. Analytical Skills : Ability to analyze and apply physics and engineering principles to a real-world scenario.

  • 3. Problem Solving : Capability to formulate a solution for a unique and hypothetical situation.

  • 4. Creativity : Utilizing creative thinking to approach an unusual challenge outside typical work environments.

  • 1. Assessment of Knowledge : Evaluating your understanding of the physical principles related to product performance in varied environments.

  • 2. Understanding Practical Application : Assessing your ability to apply theoretical knowledge to a practical problem.

  • 3. Evaluative Thinking : Testing your capacity to think through a complex scenario that requires an evaluation of various factors.

  • 4. Innovation Gauge : Measuring your ability to innovate and adapt knowledge to unconventional scenarios.

  • 1. Discuss the thermal properties : Mention the cup material's insulation capability, as this could impact the cooling rate.

  • 2. Consider Martian environment variables : Factor in possible low pressure, low temperature, and thin atmosphere when discussing the coffee cooling.

  • 3. Explain your thought process : Clearly describe each step of your calculation or estimation method for how you approach the problem.

Problem Solving
Technical Skills
Product Design Engineer
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