101. How many windows are there in Seattle?




Imagine you were asked to estimate the number of windows in the city of Seattle. How would you approach this question to provide a well-reasoned answer?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Critical thinking : Ability to analyze the question logically and identify underlying assumptions.

  • 2. Problem-solving : Capability to break down the question into smaller, manageable parts and develop a step-by-step approach to estimate.

  • 3. Creativity : Employing creative thinking to make assumptions or devise methods for estimations in absence of concrete data.

  • 4. Communication : Effectively conveying the thought process and explaining the rationale behind the estimation.

  • 1. Evaluating thought process : Assessing your ability to handle complex, open-ended problems that require analytical thinking.

  • 2. Testing estimation skills : Determining your capability to make rough estimations based on logic and reasonable assumptions.

  • 3. Understanding problem-solving methodology : Observing how you structure your approach to solving unexpected or unconventional questions.

  • 4. Assessing composure under uncertainty : Gauging how you maintain poise and confidence when faced with ambiguous and challenging tasks.

  • 1. Break down the question : Consider segmenting the problem into smaller pieces, perhaps by types of buildings or areas within the city.

  • 2. Use logical assumptions : Base your estimations on rational and explainable assumptions, such as average number of windows per building type.

  • 3. Think out loud : Articulate your thought process, so the interviewer understands how you arrive at your conclusion, including any assumptions or calculations you make.

Problem Solving
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