1029. How would you determine the number of elevators in London without any access to data?




Imagine you're faced with a challenge where you need to estimate the number of elevators in London, but you don't have access to any data or databases. How would you approach this problem?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Creative Thinking : You need to demonstrate how you can think outside the box to solve problems without standard resources.

  • 2. Analytical Skills : You should show your ability to analyze a situation and break down the problem into smaller, manageable parts.

  • 3. Estimation : You should exhibit your skills in making educated guesses or estimations based on available information or general knowledge.

  • 4. Problem-Solving : You must convey your capacity to develop effective solutions to unexpected or unconventional problems.

  • 1. Assess Problem-Solving Abilities : The interviewer wants to see how you handle unique problems that don't have straightforward solutions.

  • 2. Evaluate Creative and Logical Thinking : This question gauges your ability to use both creative and logical thought processes when faced with a challenge.

  • 3. Determine Comfort with Ambiguity : The question tests your comfort level with uncertainty and ambiguous situations.

  • 4. Understand Approach to Estimation : It assesses your approach to making educated estimates when precise data is unavailable.

  • 1. Consider using landmarks : Think about using well-known buildings as a starting point for your estimation.

  • 2. Use population and building statistics : You might want to reference general population density and common building types in London for your estimation.

  • 3. Think about average buildings per block : Estimate how many buildings might exist per city block and multiply by the number of blocks, considering the typical number of stories and the likelihood of an elevator per building type.

Problem Solving
Digital Content Curator
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