4085. How would you tackle an issue that you hypothetically created?




Describe a time when you faced a problem that was a result of an action you took. How did you address and resolve that situation?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Problem Solving : Evaluates your ability to identify problems that you've caused and how you go about solving them.

  • 2. Accountability : Assesses your willingness to take responsibility for your actions and any subsequent issues.

  • 3. Critical Thinking : Measures your capability to apply logical thinking to analyze and tackle the problem.

  • 4. Adaptability : Tests your flexibility in adjusting to unexpected challenges, especially those that are self-created.

  • 1. Self-awareness : To determine if you are aware of the impacts of your actions and can recognize when you are the source of a problem.

  • 2. Integrity : To gauge your honesty in admitting faults and your ethical standards in dealing with the consequences of your actions.

  • 3. Resilience : To understand how you cope with setbacks, particularly those that are self-inflicted.

  • 4. Growth Mindset : To see if you view challenges as learning opportunities and how you grow from these experiences.

  • 1. Reflect on past experiences : Think about a real scenario from your past where this situation occurred, which will make your response more authentic and grounded.

  • 2. Focus on the resolution : While it's important to acknowledge the mistake, place more emphasis on the steps you took to resolve the issue and what you learned.

  • 3. Demonstrate learning : Explain how the experience helped you improve or change a certain approach to prevent similar issues in the future.

Problem Solving
Business Analyst
McKinsey & Company
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