165. Imagine you are a manager of a team and you are responsible for 100 clients. But there are only 3 weeks before the deadline and you just completed 40% of your goal. What would you do and how would you prioritize these 100 clients?




Imagine you're in a situation where you're leading a team responsible for servicing 100 clients, and your team has only reached 40% of your target with three weeks left until the deadline. Please explain your strategy to manage the workload and how you would prioritize the clients to ensure you meet the goal.

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Time Management : Ability to prioritize tasks effectively to meet deadlines.

  • 2. Strategic Thinking : Developing a plan of action that accounts for limited resources and time to achieve desired outcomes.

  • 3. Decision Making : Assessing and determining which clients to prioritize when resources might be constrained.

  • 4. Team Motivation : Ability to inspire and rally the team around a common goal under pressure.

  • 1. Goal-Setting : Understand your ability to set realistic goals and adjust plans accordingly to meet them.

  • 2. Resource Allocation : Evaluate your judgment in allocating team resources under a tight deadline.

  • 3. Pressure Handling : Assess your composure and effectiveness in high-stress, time-sensitive situations.

  • 4. Client Prioritization : Gauge how you identify the most critical tasks or clients that will contribute to meeting the team's objectives.

  • 1. Identify Key Metrics : Think about the metrics or factors that you would use to determine client priority.

  • 2. Resource Assessment : Consider how you'd assess and potentially reallocate your team's resources.

  • 3. Recovery Planning : Discuss any contingency or recovery plans to show how you manage project risk.

Problem Solving
Account Strategist
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