613. Tell me about a time when you pushed back against an unreasonable customer request




Can you discuss a specific situation when you had to push back against a customer request that you felt was unreasonable? Describe what the request was and explain how you handled it.

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Negotiation : Demonstrates your ability to negotiate terms or requests professionally and effectively.

  • 2. Problem Solving : Shows your aptitude in finding alternative solutions or compromises when faced with challenging demands.

  • 3. Judgment : Reflects on your capacity to assess requests and make sound decisions that align with company policies and values.

  • 4. Communication : Assesses your skill in conveying your decisions to customers clearly and diplomatically, maintaining positive relationships.

  • 1. Assessing Conflict Resolution : Evaluates how you navigate conflicts with customers and if you can maintain a constructive relationship post-conflict.

  • 2. Understanding Company Policy Alignment : Determines whether you understand and adhere to company policies while dealing with customer requests.

  • 3. Judging Customer Relationship Management : Checks your ability to manage customer relationships even during difficult interactions.

  • 4. Evaluating Professional Backbone : Observes if you have the professional backbone to stand up against pressure while also balancing customer satisfaction.

  • 1. Discuss reasoning : Elaborate on how you evaluated the customer's request and why you deemed it unreasonable.

  • 2. Outcome focus : Highlight the outcome of your response, especially how it impacted the relationship with the customer and your company’s interests.

  • 3. Professionalism : Emphasize the professional manner in which you communicated and upheld your decision against the customer’s request.

Conflict Resolution
Art Director
Vendor Manager
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