425. What are some systems in autonomous vehicles?




In your past experiences or projects, could you discuss some of the systems within autonomous vehicles and explain how they contribute to its autonomy?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Technical knowledge : You should demonstrate an understanding of the various technical systems that come together to make an autonomous vehicle function.

  • 2. Attention to detail : You should show an ability to intricately understand and explain complex systems, and how they interact within an autonomous vehicle.

  • 3. Communication : You should be able to articulate complex technical information in a clear, concise manner, understandable to all stakeholders.

  • 4. Problem-solving : You should illustrate your ability to identify and understand the role of different systems in problem-solving within the autonomous vehicle context.

  • 1. Assessing technical expertise : The interviewer wants to verify your technical knowledge related to autonomous vehicle systems.

  • 2. Understanding of role : The interviewer wants to ensure you understand how different systems contribute to the overall functioning of the vehicle, which is crucial for a systems engineering role.

  • 3. Evaluation of communication skills : This question tests your ability to communicate technical topics effectively.

  • 4. Evaluating problem-solving approach : The question also serves to understand your approach to using these systems to troubleshoot and solve problems.

  • 1. Mention specific systems : Talk about systems like LiDAR, radar, GPS, and computer vision, which are typical in autonomous vehicles.

  • 2. Relate to autonomy levels : Explain how these systems enable different levels of vehicle autonomy, from driver assistance to full automation.

  • 3. Discuss integration : Elaborate on how you ensure that individual systems work in harmony to achieve safe and reliable autonomous driving.

Technical Skills
Problem Solving
Systems Engineer
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