1328. What's something about the current culture you want to leave behind?




Reflecting on the cultural dynamics of today's workplace, could you share with us an element of the current culture that you think should be left behind? Why do you feel it's important for the culture to evolve in this way?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Self-awareness : The question assesses your ability to understand and critically evaluate the culture you are a part of.

  • 2. Critical thinking : You need to analytically think about the culture and articulate what changes could be beneficial.

  • 3. Cultural awareness : Understanding what constitutes workplace culture and identifying areas for improvement demonstrates a grasp of effective work environments.

  • 4. Change management : Showcasing your views on changing cultural elements implies you can be an agent for positive change in the workplace.

  • 1. Assess cultural fit : The interviewer wants to see if your vision for a positive workplace culture aligns with their company’s ethos.

  • 2. Evaluate adaptability : Understanding your flexibility and willingness to embrace or drive cultural changes can be important in a fast-paced sales environment.

  • 3. Gauge values and ethics : Your response might reveal your values and whether they align with the company’s.

  • 4. Determine problem-solving ability : Identifying cultural issues and proposing solutions can indicate your ability to solve complex problems.

  • 1. Reflect on specific elements : Rather than giving general statements, pinpoint particular aspects of the culture you find counterproductive.

  • 2. Relate to positive outcomes : Discuss how changing this cultural aspect could result in better performance, collaboration or job satisfaction.

  • 3. Avoid negativity : While critiquing, ensure your tone remains positive and constructive.

Culture Fit
Sales Specialist
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