842. When Apple is launching a new iPhone and the VP wants you to create a single dashboard, what information will you include?




Imagine you are tasked with the creation of a dashboard for a new iPhone launch. The Vice President wants this dashboard to be concise and informative. What types of information would you consider including to ensure the dashboard meets the expectations of the executive team?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Analytical thinking : You need to comprehend complex business needs and translate them into a coherent dashboard.

  • 2. Technical proficiency : You should be adept at using dashboard creation tools and understanding the technical aspects necessary to pull relevant data.

  • 3. Problem-solving : You must identify which key performance indicators and data will be most valuable for the dashboard.

  • 4. Decision making : You need to prioritize and filter information to include only the most pertinent details on the dashboard.

  • 1. Assessing candidate's prioritization skills : The question aims to understand your approach to selecting information when space or attention is limited.

  • 2. Understanding candidate's familiarity with business metrics : It checks your knowledge of business indicators that are relevant during a product launch.

  • 3. Evaluating technical knowledge : The interviewer wants to gauge your proficiency with the tools and software needed to create a dashboard.

  • 4. Judging strategic thinking : The question assesses your ability to strategize effectively for high-level business initiatives.

  • 1. Think about the audience : Tailor your response to the executive perspective, focusing on high-level metrics.

  • 2. Highlight key performance indicators : Mention metrics like sales data, customer feedback, and supply chain statuses that might interest a VP during a launch.

  • 3. Mention visualization approaches : Discuss how you would present the data in an easily digestible way for quick executive overview.

Problem Solving
Technical Skills
Business Analyst
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