3170. Where do you see yourself in 10 years, in a technical or sales role?




In a decade from now, can you picture yourself working in a technical position or do you see yourself gravitating towards a role in sales? Is there a particular area you expect to be involved in?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Career Goal Setting : Reflecting on long-term career goals and the ability to project future aspirations.

  • 2. Self-awareness : Gauging the candidate's level of understanding of their skills, interests, and areas for growth.

  • 3. Career Path Understanding : Understanding the dynamics of technical versus sales roles and the career opportunities each path may offer.

  • 4. Decision Making : The candidate's ability to make informed decisions about their career path based on their strengths and interests.

  • 1. Career Aspirations : Assessing whether the candidate has clear career aspirations that align with the company’s growth opportunities.

  • 2. Alignment with Position : Determining if the candidate's future goals align with the role they are interviewing for, which in this case is 'Estagiário De Engenharia' or Engineering Intern.

  • 3. Fit for Company : Evaluating if the candidate sees themselves fitting into the company culture and whether their aspirations support the company’s long-term objectives.

  • 4. Potential for Growth : Understanding the candidate’s potential for growth and whether they have the ambition and foresight to grow with the company.

  • 1. Discuss Training and Development : Mention any training or development you plan to undertake to achieve your 10-year career goal.

  • 2. Link Interests with Skills : Talk about how your interests align with your skills and how this synergy will influence your positioning in a technical or sales role.

  • 3. Incorporate Company Growth : Consider how your career goals can contribute to the company you are interviewing with, demonstrating a mutual growth perspective.

Work Ethic
Estagiário De Engenharia
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