2187. Why do you want to get into strategy?




Could you share with us what motivates you to pursue a career in strategy, and why you are interested in this particular field?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Strategic thinking : Ability to articulate thoughts around strategic planning and foresight to predict outcomes of implementing certain strategies.

  • 2. Personal motivation : Demonstrates an understanding of personal goals and how they align with a career in strategy.

  • 3. Career path alignment : Shows how a role in strategy is a fit for long-term career objectives.

  • 4. Industry knowledge : Reflects a grasp of the importance of strategy within the industry and the role it plays in achieving business success.

  • 1. Career goals assessment : To assess how the candidate's ambitions align with the position and the company's strategy-focused roles.

  • 2. Motivation understanding : To gauge the candidate's genuine interest and drive towards a career in strategy.

  • 3. Skill relevance evaluation : To understand if the candidate has the necessary skill set relevant for a strategic role.

  • 4. Cultural fit insight : To determine if the candidate’s approach to strategy aligns with the company’s culture and values.

  • 1. Relate to past experiences : Connect your interest in strategy to past academic, internship, or personal experiences that showcase strategic thinking or planning.

  • 2. Discuss the impact : Talk about how strategy plays a crucial role in business and your desire to be part of defining company or product direction.

  • 3. Career vision : Describe how a role in strategy fits within your broader career vision and how it helps you achieve your professional goals.

Problem Solving
Work Ethic
Design Research Intern
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