89. Amazon believes in a diverse perspective. When have you worked with a diverse group of people?




Tell me about a time that you had the opportunity to work with people from different backgrounds or cultures. How did you approach the diversity within the team, and what did you learn from that experience?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Communication : Working with a diverse group requires clear and effective communication to avoid misunderstandings and to ensure everyone is on the same page despite potential language and cultural barriers.

  • 2. Adaptability : You must be able to adapt to working styles that are different from your own and be open to new ideas and perspectives.

  • 3. Collaboration : Shows your ability to work cooperatively with team members who have varying viewpoints, experiences, and skills.

  • 4. Cultural Competency : Being culturally competent involves understanding and respecting the values, belief systems, and practices of individuals from different backgrounds.

  • 1. Valuing Diversity : Amazon wants to know if you value diversity and see it as a strength in the workplace.

  • 2. Team Dynamics : The question aims to assess how you can contribute positively to team dynamics when multiple perspectives are involved.

  • 3. Problem-Solving : Diverse teams face unique challenges; your response can reveal your problem-solving abilities within such a context.

  • 4. Company Fit : Understanding your experience with diversity helps Amazon determine if you'll fit in with their corporate culture, which prioritizes a diverse workforce.

  • 1. Include Varied Roles : Mention any diverse roles you've encountered, such as different professional levels, functions, or cultural backgrounds.

  • 2. Outcomes Focused : Articulate the positive outcomes of working with a diverse group, showing a direct correlation between diversity and team success.

  • 3. Lessons Learned : Discuss what skills or insights you gained from the experience that make you a better team player or leader.

Culture Fit
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