3367. Are you able to self-motivate to make 100 dials a day?




Can you describe how you would maintain the motivation to consistently make 100 calls each day?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Self-motivation : The ability to self-start and find internal drives to accomplish tasks without external prompts.

  • 2. Time management : Efficiently planning and dividing time between specific activities to accomplish goals in a structured manner.

  • 3. Persistence : The capacity to stick with a task despite challenges or initial setbacks.

  • 4. Goal orientation : Setting clear goals to focus efforts and having the determination to achieve them.

  • 1. Assessing determination : Understanding your level of determination and ability to push through repetitive or challenging tasks.

  • 2. Evaluating work ethic : Determining your commitment to achieving work objectives and your discipline in maintaining productivity.

  • 3. Judging consistency : Gauging your consistency in performing daily tasks that require regular attention and effort.

  • 4. Understanding goal accomplishment : Learning about your approach to reaching targets and how you manage to stay focused on long-term objectives.

  • 1. Discuss your strategy : Describe the specific methods you have used in the past to stay motivated, such as setting mini-goals or rewards.

  • 2. Mention tools or systems : Mention any productivity tools or systems you employ to track your progress and stay on course.

  • 3. Reflect on challenges : Reflect on past experiences where you've faced similar challenges and how you've overcome them to remain productive.

Work Ethic
Pressure Management
Account Manager
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