4110. Do you really want to get this job or have you rather accepted the first interview that was offered to you?




In your job search, have you been selective about the roles you want to pursue, and what makes this position stand out to you as a great opportunity?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Motivation : Understanding your motivation for applying shows the depth of your interest and long-term commitment.

  • 2. Career Goals Alignment : This question assesses whether your career goals align with the opportunities the position offers.

  • 3. Enthusiasm : Your genuine enthusiasm for the role may indicate how you'll perform and engage with the team.

  • 4. Decision-Making : Reflects on your decision-making process and how critically you evaluate career decisions.

  • 1. Candidate's Interest Level : To gauge the extent of your interest in the job and if it was an intentional choice or a random application.

  • 2. Fit with Company Culture : To determine if you've researched the company culture and see yourself as a good fit.

  • 3. Career Direction : To understand if the job aligns with your career path and how it fits into your professional development.

  • 4. Value Assessment : Evaluates if you value the job for its responsibilities and potential growth or just see it as a paycheck.

  • 1. Clarify the reasons : You should be prepared to explain why you're passionate about this particular job and company.

  • 2. Research the company : Show you've done your homework about the company, role, and how it aligns with your career goals.

  • 3. Illustrate with past decisions : Mention how you've been selective with past job opportunities to reflect your intentionality.

Culture Fit
Work Ethic
Comptable/Gestionnaire Paie Et Social
McKinsey & Company
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