1579. Have you ever had to push back on a key stakeholder?




Describe a situation where you had to push back on a key stakeholder. What were the circumstances, and how did you handle the interaction?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Conflict Resolution : This question assesses your ability to address disagreements or conflicts of interest in a professional manner.

  • 2. Communication : Your ability to convey your perspectives effectively and diplomatically is critical in such scenarios.

  • 3. Stakeholder Management : It gauges your proficiency in managing relationships with key persons who have influence or interest in your projects.

  • 4. Assertiveness : This situation tests your capacity to maintain your stance in a respectful and firm manner when necessary.

  • 1. Evaluating Problem-Solving Abilities : The interviewer wants to see how you approach and solve complex interpersonal issues.

  • 2. Understanding Adaptability : This demonstrates your flexibility and adaptability in handling unexpected or difficult situations with stakeholders.

  • 3. Assessing Professionalism : Your response signals your professional maturity in handling sensitive conversations.

  • 4. Judging Decision Making : The interviewer is interested in your judgment in choosing when and how to push back against a stakeholder request or direction.

  • 1. Reflect on the impact : Consider discussing the positive outcome or the prevention of potential issues due to your push back.

  • 2. Engage with the rationale : Explain the logic behind your decision to push back, and how you aligned it with company values or goals.

  • 3. Demonstrate emotional intelligence : Focus on showing understanding and respect for the stakeholder's concerns while asserting your own.

Conflict Resolution
Customer Experience Specialist
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