505. How did you approach finding a palindromic substring in a given string without using Manacher's algorithm?




How did you approach finding a palindromic substring in a given string without using Manacher's algorithm?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Problem Solving : Demonstrates the ability to tackle technical challenges with creative solutions when optimal methods are not available or applicable.

  • 2. Analytical Thinking : Shows capacity for thoroughly understanding the problem and dissecting it to approach a solution systematically.

  • 3. Attention to Detail : Reflects the capability to recognize subtleties of the problem that may affect the solution.

  • 4. Perseverance : Indicates tenacity in solving complex problems, which can be critical in a technical environment with unexpected challenges.

  • 1. Understanding of Algorithm Limitations : Evaluates whether you recognize when an algorithm is not suitable for a problem and need an alternative approach.

  • 2. Assessment of Technical Knowledge : Judges your knowledge of different algorithms and when they are appropriately applied in real-world scenarios.

  • 3. Problem Complexity Management : Inspects your ability to handle complex problems and not be solely reliant on existing tools or techniques.

  • 4. Adaptation to Constraints : Checks how you adapt to constraints such as time or resource limitations, which are common in professional scenarios.

  • 1. Discuss the process : Share the strategy and thought process you used to address the problem step by step.

  • 2. Mention alternatives : Explain any other methods you considered and why you opted for the brute force method in this scenario.

  • 3. Outcome importance : Focus on the outcome of your solution and what you learned from using a less efficient approach.

Problem Solving
Technical Skills
Senior Systems Engineer
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