1907. How would you evaluate and pick one design solution?




Imagine you are presented with two design solutions. Can you walk me through your thought process on how you would evaluate them and decide which one to pick?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Decision Making : Assessing a candidate's ability to make informed and effective choices between different alternatives.

  • 2. Critical Thinking : Evaluating the candidate's capability to objectively analyze and evaluate an issue in order to form a judgment.

  • 3. Problem Solving : Understanding the candidate's approach to identifying the merits and drawbacks of each design to determine the most suitable solution.

  • 4. Analytical Skills : Assessing the candidate's proficiency in breaking down complex information into manageable parts to evaluate different design solutions.

  • 1. Evaluating Competencies : Determining if the candidate has the necessary skills to assess design solutions effectively.

  • 2. Understanding Strategies : Getting insight into the strategies the candidate uses to compare and make decisions about competing solutions.

  • 3. Judging Decision Quality : Seeing how the candidate prioritizes different factors to ensure the decision aligns with project goals and requirements.

  • 4. Assessing Adaptability : Checking whether the candidate can adapt their decision-making process based on the specificities of the design options.

  • 1. Discuss the Criteria : Speak about the various criteria you would use to evaluate the design solutions, such as functionality, aesthetics, user experience, and cost.

  • 2. Mention Stakeholder Impact : Consider how each design might affect different stakeholders, including clients, team members, and end users.

  • 3. Incorporate Prior Experiences : Detail past experiences where you had to make similar decisions and what you learned from them.

Problem Solving
Technical Skills
Design Intern
Engineering Intern
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