2369. How would you handle an employee being late three times in a row?




If you noticed that an employee was late three times consecutively, what steps would you take to address the issue?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Conflict Resolution : Assesses your ability to handle situations where an employee's actions are not in line with company policies.

  • 2. Leadership : Evaluates your skills in leading by example, setting expectations, and holding team members accountable.

  • 3. Communication : Measures your ability to communicate concerns clearly and effectively to understand and resolve any underlying issues.

  • 4. Problem Solving : Tests your capability to identify the root causes of punctuality issues and develop appropriate strategies to mitigate them.

  • 1. Understanding of Policies : Determines if you're aware of the company's attendance and punctuality policies.

  • 2. Team Management : Assesses your ability to manage the team dynamics and ensure that one person’s tardiness does not affect the overall team's performance.

  • 3. Empathy and Support : Evaluates your willingness to understand an employee's situation and provide support if necessary, while still upholding company standards.

  • 4. Consistency and Fairness : Looks at your ability to apply policies consistently and fairly among all employees.

  • 1. Consider discussing a step-by-step approach : Detail the specific actions you would take to address the employee's tardiness, from initial conversations to potential disciplinary actions if necessary.

  • 2. Mention the importance of understanding the reasons behind the behavior : Indicate that you would try to understand if there are legitimate reasons for the tardiness and whether the employee needs any support.

  • 3. Highlight the balance between empathy and accountability : Talk about how you would balance being supportive yet holding the employee accountable to the rules and expectations of the workplace.

Conflict Resolution
Shift Supervisor
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