1050. Prepare a 50-minute research presentation from your PhD years




Could you please walk us through the process of preparing a 50-minute presentation on the research you conducted during your PhD? This includes your approach to structuring the presentation, the key points you choose to highlight, and how you anticipate and address potential questions from the audience.

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Presentation Skills : Ability to effectively communicate research findings to an audience in an engaging and comprehensible manner.

  • 2. Research Competence : Understanding of the research subject and the ability to synthesize key points from extensive work.

  • 3. Time Management : Capacity to distill several years of research into a concise format while covering all important aspects adequately, within a strict time frame.

  • 4. Audience Engagement : Ability to read the audience and interactively involve them in the presentation, encouraging questions and discussions.

  • 1. Depth of Knowledge : Evaluating the depth of your understanding of your research area.

  • 2. Organization : Assessing how well you can organize and present complex information clearly.

  • 3. Communication : Gauge your ability to communicate complex ideas and respond to questions effectively.

  • 4. Preparation : Observing your preparation methods and how thoroughly you consider potential audience inquiries.

  • 1. Clarify your structure : Outline how you would structure your presentation, mentioning the flow from introduction to conclusion.

  • 2. Emphasize key findings : Highlight the significance of your research and key findings that you would focus on during the presentation.

  • 3. Consider follow-up : Reflect on how you would engage the audience for questions and how you might prepare for potential follow-up discussion points.

Technical Skills
Research Scientist
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