3969. Share a time when you shared an idea that got a lot of pushback




Could you tell me about a situation where you proposed an idea and it was met with significant resistance? How did you handle the pushback and what was the outcome?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Communication : This question gauges your ability to effectively convey your ideas, even in the face of opposition or skepticism.

  • 2. Persuasion : Your response can demonstrate your capacity to persuade others and navigate through resistance.

  • 3. Resilience : Your answer may reflect your tenacity and your ability to maintain a positive attitude despite challenges.

  • 4. Conflict Resolution : The question aims to assess your approach to addressing and resolving disagreements or conflicts that arise from presenting new ideas.

  • 1. Understanding of Change Management : The interviewer wants to see if you understand how to manage and drive change within an organization, even when facing hurdles.

  • 2. Evaluating Interpersonal Skills : Your answer will reveal how you interact with others when they disagree with you, and how you handle conflict.

  • 3. Assessing Problem-solving Abilities : The question probes your ability to find solutions when your initial proposals don't go as planned.

  • 4. Identifying Leadership Qualities : Your response may indicate your potential for leadership by showing how you lead through influence, negotiation, and consensus-building.

  • 1. Reflect on the Scenario : Prepare in advance and choose a scenario that showcases the skills in question. Think about the context, your thought process, the actions you took, and the results that followed.

  • 2. Explain the Pushback : Be clear about the reasons behind the pushback and how you understood the perspective of those opposing your idea.

  • 3. Highlight Soft Skills : Be sure to underscore the soft skills utilized during the interaction such as active listening, empathy, reasoning, and adaptability.

Conflict Resolution
Learning Coordinator
McKinsey & Company
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