2140. What is your weakest skill?




Tell me about a skill that you consider to be less developed or weaker compared to your other skills.

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Self-awareness : Demonstrates the ability to reflect on one's own abilities and recognize areas for improvement.

  • 2. Honesty : Shows a willingness to be transparent about areas that need development without overstating competencies.

  • 3. Growth Mindset : Indicates an understanding that skills can be developed and improved over time through effort and perseverance.

  • 4. Communication : Requires articulating thoughts clearly and effectively while discussing a potentially sensitive topic.

  • 1. Identifying potential areas of growth : Evaluates your potential to grow and how you might fit into and evolve within the team or role.

  • 2. Assessing self-awareness and honesty : Checks your ability to critically appraise your own skills without over-inflating them.

  • 3. Understanding learning and development approaches : Uncovers how you approach personal development and overcome challenges.

  • 4. Evaluating fit for role : Considers whether your acknowledged weaknesses impact your ability to succeed in the role you're applying for.

  • 1. Frame your weakness as a work in progress : Discuss the steps you are actively taking to improve upon this weaker skill.

  • 2. Pick a genuine but non-essential skill : Choose a skill that is honest but not critical to the core functions of the internship role.

  • 3. Connect your weakness to learning opportunities : Explain how recognizing this weakness has led to valuable learning experiences or professional growth.

Work Ethic
Software Engineer
Product Manager
Data Scientist
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