3501. Who is a role model in your life and why?




Can you tell me about someone who you consider a role model in your life and explain why you look up to them?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Reflection : Gauging the candidate's ability to learn from others and incorporate positive traits into their own professional life.

  • 2. Self-Awareness : Judging how the candidate perceives themselves in relation to their role model, indicating their understanding of personal growth areas.

  • 3. Influencing Skills : Understanding if the candidate can draw inspiration from others and if they are likely to inspire and lead in their role.

  • 4. Value Alignment : Determining whether the candidate's values align with those of the organization or the expectations of the role.

  • 1. Value Fit : Identifying if the candidate's role model exemplifies values that align with the company's culture.

  • 2. Motivation Assessment : Determining what motivates the candidate and how that influence impacts their work ethic and ambition.

  • 3. Character Insight : Gaining insight into the candidate's character through the traits they admire in others.

  • 4. Professional Development : Evaluating the candidate's approach to professional development by understanding who they learn from and aspire to be like.

  • 1. Choose a figure that has influenced your professional life : Discussing a role model related to your career can provide relevant insights into your professional aspirations and values.

  • 2. Discuss the impact : Explaining how your role model has specifically impacted your decisions, actions or mindset will show the depth of their influence on you.

  • 3. Relate to the role : You should consider selecting a role model whose qualities can be linked to the attributes required for the position you are interviewing for.

Culture Fit
Sales Development Representative (SDR)
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