264. How many light bulbs were sold last year in the UK?
265. Tell me a time when you successfully increased ROI for a company
269. In your opinion, why is the Google homepage mostly blank space?
279. Answered general problem-solving questions and a case study about considerations for a robot moving around a cafe
281. Explain a time you overcame adversity
282. Describe a time you've been able to exceed a sales goal
288. Giving a question and a sample input, should clarify the problem first
289. Tell me about a time you were creative
291. Tell me about your favorite project you've worked on.
292. How big is the sun?
296. Describe a situation where you faced a significant challenge in a team project or work environment
300. Pretend Google is building a new office on Mars. How would you approach building a team there?
309. Basic questions about behavior and experience
321. Can you describe the most challenging engineering problem you have solved?