341. What is one weakness you have?




Can you tell me about a weakness that you're aware of and how you've been working to improve it?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Self-awareness : Understanding and accepting your own weaknesses shows a level of self-awareness that is important in personal and professional development.

  • 2. Candor : Being open and honest about areas where you may not excel demonstrates your integrity and willingness to be transparent.

  • 3. Growth mindset : Discussing how you are working on your weakness shows that you have a proactive approach to growth and learning.

  • 4. Self-improvement : Sharing your journey towards improving that weakness indicates that you are committed to self-improvement and not complacent.

  • 1. Assessing Character : The interviewer wants to see if you can critically evaluate yourself and be genuine about your limitations.

  • 2. Understanding Resilience : This question gives insight into your resilience and whether you can overcome challenges and work on areas of improvement.

  • 3. Evaluating Fit : Your response can help determine if your weakness might impact your fit for the role or the team dynamic.

  • 4. Identifying Potential : Understanding your weaknesses may reveal potential for growth and how you could evolve with the company.

  • 1. Reflect on feedback : Mention a weakness that has come up in past feedback or self-assessment, indicating you take others' input seriously.

  • 2. Talk about strides made : Discuss steps you have taken to mitigate or overcome your weakness, showing proactivity and dedication.

  • 3. Connect to the role : If applicable, explain how this weakness has not held you back in similar roles or how overcoming it has prepared you for the responsibilities you'll face.

Work Ethic
Software Student
PCEi Verification Engineer
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