463. How do you handle problems?
464. What was the most challenging project at school?
465. What do you know about our products?
466. What are you strong at or passionate about?
467. What part of this product line most interests you?
468. What are the key trends in that market?
470. Discuss your experience with parallel inference on a CPU
471. Describe how you have improved computer performance in a past project
476. Describe the most challenging bug you've faced in your career
479. Why did you choose a Minor degree in Computer Science and Engineering?
484. How would you improve Nvidia's videos and storytelling capabilities?
489. How do you approach the design and troubleshooting of a new hardware system?
493. Introduce your latest research project
495. Find the missing number in an array sequence
497. Implementing 2 stacks in a single array
499. Tell me about your past machine vision projects
502. Describe your experience with code implementation and error resolution
503. What interesting problems have you encountered and how did you solve them?
504. Increment a huge number by 1 that did not fit into an int or long data type
505. How did you approach finding a palindromic substring in a given string without using Manacher's algorithm?
510. Describe a data science project you've worked on
512. How many digits are needed to create sums from 1 to 120?
513. Tell me about your personal projects and university experiences
516. What are your interests and preferred areas of work during the internship?
517. What experience do you have with shipping methods?