3063. What drives you to succeed?




Can you share with us what motivates you to achieve success and how you apply this motivation in your professional life?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Self-motivation : This question evaluates an individual's internal drive and how it influences their work ethic and achievements.

  • 2. Goal-setting : It examines your ability to set and strive for personal and professional goals.

  • 3. Resilience : This gauges your persistence and ability to overcome challenges in the pursuit of your objectives.

  • 4. Self-awareness : It explores your understanding of what personally motivates you and how you leverage that in a work context.

  • 1. Personal insight : To gain insight into your personal values and how they align with the job and company culture.

  • 2. Determination evaluation : To evaluate your determination and whether it will sustain you through difficult tasks and challenges.

  • 3. Cultural fit : To determine if your personal drivers are compatible with the team and organizational environment.

  • 4. Performance prediction : To predict your future performance based on what personally drives you to succeed.

  • 1. Reflect on your past successes : Consider discussing past experiences where your drive to succeed was a significant factor.

  • 2. Link to job-related goals : Relate your inner motivation to how it can contribute to job performance and company objectives.

  • 3. Include personal growth : Mention how your drive for success contributes to your continuous personal and professional development.

Work Ethic
Culture Fit
Safety Engineer
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