2224. How would you deal with a difficult customer?
2237. How would you handle a hostile situation?
2247. How do you handle conflicts within your team?
2256. Have you ever had a conflict at work and how did you resolve it?
2279. Tell me about a time you disagreed with a manager's decision
2337. How would you resolve a conflict with a coworker?
2362. How would you handle a situation involving workplace violence or sexual harassment?
2369. How would you handle an employee being late three times in a row?
2374. Do you have a problem obeying superiors?
2392. How do you deal with difficult people during your work shift?
2408. Comment vous gérez les clients mécontents?
2422. How would you serve a customer who was upset before getting to the counter?
2431. How did you work with people you did not get along with?
2462. How do you handle customer complaints and annoyances?
2472. Describe a time you had a problem with a co-worker
2482. Describe a time when you needed to work cooperatively with someone that did not share the same ideas as you
2485. How would you respond to a customer calling you a moron?
2488. How do you solve conflict?
2491. Describe a time you and a colleague disagreed and how you resolved it